Elnora Village Office, through the Red Deer County, provides guidance and information about rules as well as regulations which will facilitate stakeholders to make informed decisions. When it comes to planning and development services, you will get services related to permits, zoning, surveying, property lines, and more for the area. Such services cover preparation and implementation of statutory plans and review of development-related applications. To view, print or download accrediation and quality information, please access the following: Joint Municipal Accrediation and Joint Quality Management Plan.
Business Continuity Planning continually confronts the unlikelihood of a business disruption, which could be something related to a winter storm, loss of electricity, or the complete loss of a facility for an extended period of time. The cause of disruption doesn’t matter, but the ability of Village of Elnora to maintain services and gain control does. Re-establishing a business environment in time of disruption requires a well thought out Business Continuity Plan (BCP), in place ahead of time, ready to be executed. Business Continuity Planning is a proactive crisis management program driven by business requirements.
To view, print or download: Business Continuity Plan
The Elnora Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) is composed of five (5) community members at large appointed by resolution of Council. The MPC serves as development authority on those matters referred to it by the Development Officer pursuant to Section 624 of the Municipal Government Act. Meetings are scheduled on an ‘as required’ basis.
The Central Alberta Regional Assessment Review Board (RARB) is an independent quasi-judicial board established by the authority of the Municipal Government Act, and is responsible for making decisions regarding property assessment complaints.
If you wish to file and assessment complaint, you can find the forms and resources below:

Questions about Planning & Development in Elnora?
Contact Red Deer County for additional information. You can phone the Planning Department at 403-350-2170, fax them at 403-346-9840, or send them an email at development@rdcounty.ca